23 Mar Drape Skirt
This week’s #PatternPuzzle is the simplest addition to a classic pencil skirt. With the introduction of a front left side panel you are able to include the drape shape easily around the waist and into the panel seam
Trace a full front and half back skirt using my skirt block or a pencil skirt pattern then make the following pattern alterations:
- Mark in the panel seam on the left side of the front skirt.
- Shift the waist dart onto the panel seam line to create shape into the waist.
- Decide how deep your drape shape is, flowing from the back skirt around the side seam onto the front right side of the skirt, up to the panel seam.
- Then mark the vertical part of the drape that fits into the front left panel seam.
For the final patterns:
- Trace the back skirt with a CB seam to include a zip.
- Trace the front left side skirt panel and the larger right side skirt pattern.
- Draft a strap waistband to fit the skirt waist.
- With the drape pieces, trace the vertical drape in the panel seam first.
- Then trace the deep side front drape along the same line as the vertical drape (in a straight line).
- Continue around the side seam to the back piece, eliminating all darts as you go.
- Re-draw the outside edge of the drape to flow from the back into the vertical seam.
Hoping you enjoy this week’s pattern puzzle and please feel free to leave any questions int he comments section below. Enjoy 🙂
If you’d like to buy a copy of these pattern making notes for your own personal use at home you’ll find them here: Drape Skirts – Pattern Making Instructions.
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