15 Jul Empire Cowl Knit
Posted at 17:35h
in Pattern Making Instructions, Pattern Puzzles, Stretch Patterns, Womens Knit Block
This is a jersey tunic, most likely cut in a light-weight stretch jersey with a bit of drape. The front bodice is the challenging pattern making in this new design.
Below is an Illustrator version of the Front Bodice that includes the valuable gathering information.
Gradually I am building a series of Pattern Making Worksheets with detailed instructions in Pattern Making Basics and Inspiring Styles. These Illustrator diagrams are unbelievably detailed to work with and produce just the best graphics. Keep your eyes peeled for the new style worksheets on the website.
In making this pattern I would use a jersey/knit kimono block. If you don’t yet have one you will find my kimono block worksheet on the website. The pattern plan below is for the front and the back of this garment and over the next two days, I will be posting the ‘bones’ of the pattern making. That is, all pattern pieces so you can see the manipulations to achieve all the detail in the style.
Stay posted and Follow! If you’d like to buy a copy of these pattern making notes for your own personal use at home you’ll find them here: Empire Cowl Knit – Pattern Making Instructions.
Enjoy 🙂
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